Parent Support Worker
Mrs Ursula Deery is our Parent Support Officer who has been working with parents throughout the year. Parents can avail of the many ongoing activities and courses arranged by enquiring at the school office.
Here are a few of the activities to date: all in St John's Parish Hall
Wednesday - Essential Skills in ICT (9-11am) - beginning 5 October
Thursday - Craft Class (9-11am) Anyone can come along and join us each week
Thursday - Essential Skills in Literacy (9-11am) beginning 3 October
Friday - Essential Skills in Mathematics (9-11am) beginning 4 October
If you would be interested in attending any of these courses, please contact Ursula Deery.
Last year some of our parents took part in a project run by the Ulster Museum. They had wonderful trips to the museum and learned some new skills, such as weaving, candle making and quilling.
Forthcoming Events:
Workshops for P1 parents and children.
Linguistic Phonic Workshops
We plan to run Linguistic Phonic workshops for parents of P1 and P2 Mums and dads can find out how they can help their children with homework and reading by using the Linguistic Phonics Programme. Details to follow

St Kevin's Primary School, 446 Falls Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT12 6EN 028 90 326 791