Safer Internet Day
6th Feb 2021
Tuesday 9 February is 'Safer Internet Day', the theme this year is 'An Internet We Trust'. Teachers will post up some activities on Seesaw so the children can explore and think about how reliable information online can be and how to know which websites to trust.
Please see the two posters with some 'Top Tips' for you as parents/carers of children aged 3-7 and/or children aged 7-11. These are also available on Seesaw and I will upload an information video and some family activities, next Tuesday 9 February.
Also keep a look out for our poster competition on the theme - 'An Internet We Trust', with some Asda giftcards up for grabs! There will be one winner in each year group. Children can use the template here or use a blank A4 page to show or advise: How they decide what information they read online is true or reliable and how they know which websites to trust on the internet.

St Kevin's Primary School, 446 Falls Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT12 6EN 028 90 326 791